ADOP over view:
In Release 12.2.0 and higher, patching is performed by running the new adop (AD Online Patching) utility. We must use adop utility instead of adpatch utility that was provided in previous releases. Applications EBS 12.2 introduces online patching using ADOP utility. Technology patches are applied to the patch file system then ADOP is used to propagate the change into run within the context of a patching cycle.
To start Online Patching, we need to use:
$ adop phase=prepare
To Apply Patches, we need to use:
$ adop phase=apply patches=9876789,8768904
ADOP Features:
To obtain help about the basics of adop operation, use:
adop –help
This will display the following text:
Applications DBA Online Patching Tool (adop)
Usage: adop [phase=<phase,phase,...>] [patches=<patch#,patch#,...>]
[<parameter>=<value> ...] [input_file=<filename>]
Enter adop -examples for a detailed list of parameters and their usage.
The phase parameter specifies the parts (phases) of the online patching cycle to be executed.
The five standard phases are executed in the order shown below.
Standard phases:
prepare - Prepare the instance for patch application.
apply - Apply patches (to the patch edition).
finalize - Ready the instance for cutover.
cutover - Make the patch edition the new run edition.
cleanup - Drop obsolete objects and data from old editions.
There are also three special phases, for use when needed.
Special phases:
abort - Abort the current patching cycle.
actualize_all - Create new copies of all code objects in the patch edition.
fs_clone - Copy the run file system to the patch file system.
Phase-specific parameters control operation of a particular phase:
Apply parameters:
A single patch or comma-separated list of patch to apply.
This parameter is required when executing the apply phase.
For language patches, you must also specify the driver file:
restart=(yes|no) [default: no]
Resume a failed apply action where processing left off.
abandon=(yes|no) [default: no]
Re-apply a failed patch from the beginning.
Finalize parameters:
finalize_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]
Quick mode will provide the shortest execution time, by skipping non-essential additional actions.
Full mode performs additional actions such as gathering statistics, which may improve performance after cutover.
Cutover parameters:
mtrestart=(yes|no) [default: yes].
Specifies whether to restart application tier servers after cutover. Leave at default unless performing manual steps during downtime.
Cleanup parameters:
cleanup_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]
Quick mode provides the shortest execution time, by
skipping non-essential additional actions.
Full mode performs additional processing to remove all unused code, data, and old editions. May take a long time.
General parameters apply to all phases:
workers=<number> [default: computed]
Number of parallel workers used to execute tasks.
Default value is computed principally according to number of available CPU cores.
As well as being entered directly on the command line, adop parameters can be specified in a text file, with
one <parameter>=<value> on each line of the file.
Command line parameters override input file parameters.
[default: event]
Controls the level of diagnostic log detail displayed.
allnodes=(yes|no) [default: yes]
Specifies whether actions should be executed on all application tier nodes of a multi-node system.
action=(db|nodb) [default: db]
Specifies whether to execute database actions (as well as file system actions).
-status [<session_id>]
Display status of the latest adop session, or a specified session.
This help screen.
Source copied from other sites for my reference.
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